Calling all midlife creative souls with a long-held dream that is going unrealized.


What’s still tugging on your deepest yearnings and desires?

  • Perhaps it’s that life-changing book you’ve been working on for eons, but keep finding yourself facing one creative block after another.
  • Maybe it’s that passion-filled business that you’ve been wanting to start, but you haven’t mustered up the courage to just go for it.
  • Or it could be the nonprofit organization you’ve been pondering, the one that’s destined to change the world.
  • Perhaps you’re finally ready to lead that movement of social change that you’ve been playing out in your mind over and over again.
  • It might even be that art gallery you’ve been talking about, the one where you’ll proudly display your artistic masterpieces for the public to see.
  • Or maybe it’s time to bring the film you’ve been visualizing in your mind to life on the big screen.

What’s ready to emerge? What wants to come to life?

The wisdom of the moon has influenced creative seekers for centuries, inspiring thousands of beautiful stories, songs, dances, paintings, and poems. Through its many phases, it has served as a muse in a variety of ways, sparking a deeper creative calling, elevating one’s life journey into a masterful work of art – a gift that keeps on giving.

Using the moon as a metaphor for creative transition and new beginnings, the Journaling by the Moonlight: Unearthing Your Creative Calling card deck of 54 cards, equally divided by nine moon phases (including the blue moon), takes creative souls on a journey of self-exploration through the art of journal writing, moving from the darkness of uncertainty and into the light of possibility, illuminating a creative calling that’s ready to shine.

Each moon phase has its own focus as you move through journal writing prompts that help you dive deeper into your creative dreams, connecting the dots of your unique life journey, learning its lessons and receiving its gifts, and noticing how your creative calling wants to be expressed in a new and creative way.

  • New Moon – Honoring New Beginnings
  • Waxing Crescent – Awakening Authenticity
  • First Quarter – Exploring Possibilities
  • Waxing Gibbous – Support Systems
  • Full Moon – Stepping into Your Light
  • Waning Gibbous – Seeing the Bigger Vision
  • Last Quarter – Taking Inspired Action
  • Waning Crescent – Allowing Ebb and Flow
  • Blue Moon – Living Your Potential

Imagine a door opening – as you step into a whole new world of possibilities that lead to a life filled with the beauty of your creative calling.

What dream still pulls on your creative soul? It’s never too late to be what you might have been!

  • Are you struggling to define and express your creative voice?
  • Do you want to connect the dots between your passions and a larger creative calling?
  • Have you approached the midlife mark with a creative dream unrealized?
  • Are you yearning to feel more fully alive – personally, professionally, and creatively?

Give yourself permission to be open and allowing as you embark on a magical and unique journey of creative exploration through the wisdom of our lunar goddess and through the art of journal writing. This 54-card deck is filled with prompts that will guide you on an inner and outer journey that honors your life story and the gifts you are here to share.

What inspired this Journaling by the Moonlight card deck?

I’ve always had a fascination with the moon. As a young girl, I would peek out the window at bedtime to wish upon the stars and then find myself searching for the moon in the dark sky.

I loved seeing the moon change shapes, from a barely crescent moon to a quarter moon to a gibbous moon and finally to what looked like a perfect circle in the night sky. It was a stunning contrast against a dark backdrop of what felt like a universe that went on and on and on.

The moon has brought great comfort to me in my life, particularly during times when I’ve felt a loss of personal identity. This occurred shortly after the birth of my first child, a period of anxiety, depression, and confusion. I was a mother, but who was I really? I took many walks during that first year as a mom, gazing at the moon and trying to make sense of who I was and what purpose my life served. It was the moon that inspired me through her many glorious phases, as I found myself journaling through a full lunar cycle, noticing how every life transition begins in darkness, gradually moving into light as we question who we are in that moment and what we feel called toward as we move into a new cycle of life.

This same feeling returned as I edged closer to my late fifties, feeling bored with where my life was at that time, wondering if there was any magic still left within me, enough to cobble together a dream or two. And that was when it hit me. What were my dreams?

I found it difficult to conceive any images in my mind or to feel a pull in any particular direction. I seemed, once again, to be in a state of wondering, questioning, yearning for something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I knew there had to be clarity somewhere beyond the fog I found myself immersed in—and I was eager to discover it.

While bringing my own experience to the forefront and taking the knowledge I have of the moon and its place in spiritual transformation, I have combined it with my training as a creativity and life purpose coach and as a journaling workshop facilitator—and created a body of work. Journaling by the Moonlight is a unique blend of creativity, spirituality, and journal writing designed to take creative seekers on a path of self-exploration, a deep dive into dreams that feel nonexistent yet are still surfacing in synchronicities and symbolism, sometimes catching us by surprise.

This card deck is one of the many creations that has resulted through the birth of my Journaling by the Moonlight work – and through its 54 journaling prompts, may it inspire you on your inner journey to unearth your creative calling.


The Journaling by the Moonlight book and card deck are magical tools that gently yet intentionally guide my daily journaling practice into a deeper, sacred space where my pre-midlife dreams still exist. The card deck prompts and Moonlight Musings in the book offer questions to ponder—ones I most need to ask myself, but they’ve been too buried to find on my own. Through my writing in response to these soul-searching inquiries, I find hope again of making those dreams into my reality as I embrace what Tina Games calls our midlife opportunity.

Alicia Forest

Entrepreneur and author of 6 Simple Steps to 6 Figures for the Solo Service Professional: How to Create Your Lifestyle Business Based on Your Passion for Serving Others

What a glorious invitation to articulate your creative longing and begin to live it. The journaling prompts are powerful and enticing – and build in a gentle, moonlike rhythm. I love this!

Jennifer Louden

Best-selling author of The Woman’s Comfort Book and Why Bother? Discover the Desire for What’s Next

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About the Author

Tina M. GamesTina M. Games is a certified creativity coach and journal writing facilitator, as well as a wisdom guide for creative changemakers who yearn to express themselves through artistic and literary endeavors that impact social change. She is the “Moonlight Muse” for highly-creative women who want to tap into the “full moon within” and claim their authentic self, both personally and professionally. With her expert ability to hold a safe and sacred space, Tina empowers her clients to activate their creative voice and discover their unique mark in the world. As a possibility artist, she provides a nurturing environment for her clients to flourish and bring their creative expressions to life. Through her signature coaching programs, based on the phases of the moon, Tina gently guides midlife creative souls from the darkness of uncertainty into the light of possibility as they explore long-held creative dreams, embarking on an inner and outer journey that honors their life story and the gifts they are here to share. For more information about her work, please visit: