What Masks Are You Wearing?

As we approach one of my favorite times of the year, Halloween – I’m reminded of all the costumes and masks people wear to celebrate this festive occasion.

It triggered my thinking about the many masks we have all worn in our lives – and may still be wearing.

How many of these masks serve as an authentic extension of who we are? And how many of these masks are a cover-up for drowning out our own inner voices?

Have you ever stopped to think about the many labels that you wear in life – maybe you’re a spouse, a parent, a grandparent, a teacher, a loyal employee, a neighbor – and the different masks that are required to show up in these roles?

For some of us, these labels are true extensions of who we are – therefore, there are no masks required. We just show up authentically and shine our inner light in a different direction.

But for many of us, these labels serve as expressions of obligations or beliefs that were imposed on us, by self or others.

On an evening walk two weeks ago, I couldn’t help but take in the beauty of our lunar goddess as she began to make her way out of her new moon darkness and into her first sliver of light. It was a glorious sight!

It was just enough light to see the definition of the moon in the night sky, bringing her out of complete darkness – but not quite enough light for the waxing crescent phase.

It reminded me of those many times in my life, when I would peek my head out of that place of “not knowing” into the light of possibility – with a vulnerability and a curiosity about what life might be like if I stepped out without my masks?


How Does Autumn Inspire Rich Colors of Change for You?

A new season has begun – and with it comes an extraordinary amount of change.
I love the rich, vibrant colors of autumn. It’s my favorite season of the year – and oh, so inspiring!
  • How does this season inspire the “rich color” within you? 
  • How does it spark your creative process?
Imagine taking an autumn walk and being surrounded by the richness of change. You see the leaves changing colors, perhaps dropping to the ground. You notice that squirrels are running around, looking for nuts to store for the winter. You notice the flower beds are getting a little more bare. You can sense that everything is changing – in preparation for a new cycle.
In nature, there is nothing that is not continually renewing itself – and that constant renewal is out of the ground of what no longer is. Nature knows that in order to renew itself, it must completely shed the old.
