Being Under the Influence of a Full Flower Moon

This time tomorrow, we’ll be under the influence of a full flower moon.
You may be sensing an “inner blooming” – like petals of a flower unfolding, with the various effects transcending into every part of your life – personally, professionally, and creatively.
Maybe you’re experiencing gentle nudges out of your comfort zone? Perhaps you’re being guided toward creating big shifts in your life?
It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by well-known journal writer and novelist, Anais Nin.
What intentions are being unearthed in you – bringing you to the Flower Moon’s bloom? 
What visions are stirring in your mind? What is ready to be seen in full moon light?  


How Does Spring Influence New Beginnings?

Crocus FlowersWe all come to periods in our lives when we sit down and reflect on the path we have chosen – sometimes regretting certain choices and missed opportunities.

And many of us have made drastic changes along the way, trying to make a fresh start in life. Yet no matter what we do, we always end up feeling the same way. The outer conditions may be different, but inside we’re still the same.

So when and how does a genuine fresh start begin?
