Writing by Heart for Healing and Self-Discovery

In a world that often seems chaotic and overwhelming, the internal journey of self-discovery, healing, and finding connection is more critical than ever. This is where the creation of a regular writing practice can help – where we can process emotions and find clarity in the midst of life’s challenges.

How can we connect with ourselves and others with more depth and honesty? How can we turn past wounds and emotional hurdles into opportunities for growth?

These are questions that poet, educator, and author, Meredith Heller explores in her new book, Writing by Heart: A Poetry Path to Healing and Self-Discovery – published by New World Library.

I’ve invited Meredith to join me on my blog today to talk about the concept of “writing by the heart” – and how creative people can use it as a path for healing and self-discovery.


Someday – is Today

Someday — when the kids are grown, when work lightens up, when I win the lottery — I am going to start that business, become a yoga teacher, write that book, develop that app, paint that picture, finish my degree, pick up that musical instrument.

There’s a Japanese proverb: “The day you decide to do it is your lucky day.”

But how do we make the decision to actually start and complete creative things?

This is the question that author and nationally acclaimed storyteller Matthew Dicks explores in his new book, Someday Is Today: 22 Simple, Actionable Ways to Propel Your Creative Life – published by New World Library.

I’ve invited Matthew to join me on my blog today to talk about the concept of “someday” – and how creative people can embrace someday as today.


Are You Ready for a Creative New Beginning?

We’re moving into a new moon phase tomorrow – which might stir a strong desire for creative change or a new creative direction. It may even bring an awareness that NOW is the time to seed what might be necessary for a personal or professional transformation.

This particular new moon highlights the Leo qualities of self-expression, creativity, courage, confidence, and authentic visibility – while shining a light on certain life themes involving creative projects, fun and pleasure, children, and the inner child.

As we settle into the last full month of summer, you may feel a slight nudging toward something you might want to start in the fall – something that has a more joyful and playful energy to it.

It’s a good time now, in the playful season of summer, to begin to put the intention out there – to say to the universe, “Yes, I am ready for this change and I am open to approaching it from a more creative and playful direction!


How Can Summer Inspire Your Creative Genius?

Tomorrow brings the summer solstice – and with it, the summer season.

It’s a wonderful time to immerse yourself in the creative process.

It’s a season of light and celebration – a magical time to witness a creative garden in full bloom.

It’s a perfect opportunity to call forth a long-held dream, one that you never thought would see the light of day.

As celebrated poet Mary Oliver asks in her poem, The Summer Day – “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”



Need an Author’s Checklist?

As a certified creativity coach, I work a lot with authors and writers, many of whom are looking to publish their work with a traditional publisher. A question that comes up often is, “Do I need an agent?”

I invited Elizabeth Kracht, author of the book, The Author’s Checklist: An Agent’s Guide to Developing and Editing Your Manuscript – published by New World Library, to join me for a dialogue on my blog today about her role as a literary agent and what advice she has for aspiring authors. 



How Can Winter Inspire Your Creative Genius?

The winter season is a wonderful time to immerse yourself in the creative process!
It brings a rich opportunity to awaken the “creative genius within” by exploring the gifts that are found in darkness. It allows us to reflect on our personal and creative journeys, taking a closer look at who we are – underneath the layers of life.
By looking for the “light” – and knowing that it’s there, somewhere, waiting to be discovered – we can reach a place where our personal reflection begins to shed its own light.
It’s a time to ponder where we’ve been, how we got to where we are now – and where to go from here. It’s an opportunity to explore new ways of thinking and to prepare for a new path of travel. It also marks an ideal time for connecting with our creative voice and our true heart’s desire.
  • How will your “creative genius” be inspired by the darkness of the winter solstice?
  • What magic will be created within you – as you move through the winter season and into spring?
  • How will this magic be expressed through your creative work – and brought into springtime’s full bloom?
These are great questions to explore as we approach the winter solstice and move into the winter season – a time of rich reflection, introspection, renewal, and a thirst for all that is light.
