by Tina Games | May 1, 2024 | Authenticity, Creative Expression, Creative Process, Creativity, Healing, Insights, Poetry, Professional Growth, Reflection, Self-Discovery, Spiritual Growth, Storytelling, Writing
In a world that often seems chaotic and overwhelming, the internal journey of self-discovery, healing, and finding connection is more critical than ever. This is where the creation of a regular writing practice can help – where we can process emotions and find clarity in the midst of life’s challenges.
How can we connect with ourselves and others with more depth and honesty? How can we turn past wounds and emotional hurdles into opportunities for growth?
These are questions that poet, educator, and author, Meredith Heller explores in her new book, Writing by Heart: A Poetry Path to Healing and Self-Discovery – published by New World Library.
I’ve invited Meredith to join me on my blog today to talk about the concept of “writing by the heart” – and how creative people can use it as a path for healing and self-discovery.
by Tina Games | Apr 5, 2021 | Authenticity, Calling, Courage, Creative Expression, Creative Genius, Dreams, Journal Writing, Life Journey, Life Lessons, Life Story, Possibility, Reflection, Transition, Uncertainty, Wisdom
Over the past year, as we’ve navigated through the pandemic, I’ve had many discussions with clients, colleagues, and friends who are at a major crossroad in their life, both personally and professionally, which is resulting in an intense period of reflection. They’re feeling stuck, confused, unmotivated, and unable to connect with what might be ahead of them on their life’s journey.
There’s a feeling of being “a late arrival” to their own life – to a degree that causes them to wonder if they’ve missed an opportunity.
Many are pondering an array of questions, such as:
- How did I get here – in this place of darkness, confusion, and wonder?
- I see nothing ahead of me, so is this it?
- What does this stuckness mean – and how do I sort through it?
- How do I make sense of my life and the journey I’ve traveled?
- What do I do with all the lessons I’ve learned and the gifts I’ve received – and what do I let go of?
- Where do I go from here?
For all of these individuals, the most interesting thing about this crossroad is what has brought them to it. In some way, shape, or form – they’re all facing a major life transition. And it has come to them at a time that many would call “middle age.”
by Tina Games | Dec 21, 2020 | Abundance, Creative Voice, Creativity, Darkness, Full Moon, Illuminate, Journal Writing, Letting Go, Light, Possibility, Reflection, Winter
As we move into the winter solstice and toward the last full moon of 2020, what are you choosing to bring into light?
And what do you need to release – in order to make room for this light?
In the words of mystic poet Rumi, “Let the waters settle and you will see the moon and the stars mirrored in your own being.”
As you settle into the winter season and begin to think about what you’d like to manifest, give yourself permission to express the brightest light within you – and allow it to take you where it may.
by Tina Games | Dec 16, 2020 | Creative Expression, Creative Process, Creative Voice, Darkness, Journal Writing, Letting Go, Life Journey, Light, Magic, Possibility, Reflection, Winter
The winter season is a wonderful time to immerse yourself in the creative process!
It brings a rich opportunity to awaken the “creative genius within” by exploring the gifts that are found in darkness. It allows us to reflect on our personal and creative journeys, taking a closer look at who we are – underneath the layers of life.
By looking for the “light” – and knowing that it’s there, somewhere, waiting to be discovered – we can reach a place where our personal reflection begins to shed its own light.
It’s a time to ponder where we’ve been, how we got to where we are now – and where to go from here. It’s an opportunity to explore new ways of thinking and to prepare for a new path of travel. It also marks an ideal time for connecting with our creative voice and our true heart’s desire.
- How will your “creative genius” be inspired by the darkness of the winter solstice?
- What magic will be created within you – as you move through the winter season and into spring?
- How will this magic be expressed through your creative work – and brought into springtime’s full bloom?
These are great questions to explore as we approach the winter solstice and move into the winter season – a time of rich reflection, introspection, renewal, and a thirst for all that is light.
by Tina Games | Oct 28, 2020 | Authenticity, Autumn, Creative Voice, Darkness, Dreams, Full Moon, Journal Writing, Light, Moon Phases, New Beginnings, Personal Growth, Reflection, Transformation
As we approach one of my favorite times of the year, Halloween – I’m reminded of all the costumes and masks people wear to celebrate this festive occasion.
It triggered my thinking about the many masks we have all worn in our lives – and may still be wearing.
How many of these masks serve as an authentic extension of who we are? And how many of these masks are a cover-up for drowning out our own inner voices?
Have you ever stopped to think about the many labels that you wear in life – maybe you’re a spouse, a parent, a grandparent, a teacher, a loyal employee, a neighbor – and the different masks that are required to show up in these roles?
For some of us, these labels are true extensions of who we are – therefore, there are no masks required. We just show up authentically and shine our inner light in a different direction.
But for many of us, these labels serve as expressions of obligations or beliefs that were imposed on us, by self or others.
On an evening walk two weeks ago, I couldn’t help but take in the beauty of our lunar goddess as she began to make her way out of her new moon darkness and into her first sliver of light. It was a glorious sight!
It was just enough light to see the definition of the moon in the night sky, bringing her out of complete darkness – but not quite enough light for the waxing crescent phase.
It reminded me of those many times in my life, when I would peek my head out of that place of “not knowing” into the light of possibility – with a vulnerability and a curiosity about what life might be like if I stepped out without my masks?
by Tina Games | Oct 17, 2020 | Authenticity, Creative Voice, Creativity, Curiosity, Darkness, Journal Writing, Life Purpose, Life Story, Light, New Beginnings, New Moon, Personal Growth, Possibility, Reflection
Like the moon, we all go through phases in our lives. We have ups and downs, we go forward and backward – and sometimes we seem to circle back around. We may hide behind the clouds or peek from beneath the clouds. But in the midst of what can feel like a blackout, when we are open to making a connection with our creative voice, we can get to a point where we’re able to beam with full light.
During a new moon phase, the sky is completely black, with the exception of little sparkles of light in the form of stars. It’s the point in every month when the moon takes a retreat and begins to grow again, redoubling her light and reflecting new creative energy on all worldly things.
For creative souls with a desire to live more authentically, this phase represents a time for our own retreat and withdrawal from the outside world. During the darkness, it’s an opportunity to reflect on who we are – underneath the layers of life. It’s a time to turn within and write about our inner thoughts and feelings.