How Does Spring Influence New Beginnings?

Crocus FlowersWe all come to periods in our lives when we sit down and reflect on the path we have chosen – sometimes regretting certain choices and missed opportunities.

And many of us have made drastic changes along the way, trying to make a fresh start in life. Yet no matter what we do, we always end up feeling the same way. The outer conditions may be different, but inside we’re still the same.

So when and how does a genuine fresh start begin?


My Manifesto as The Moonlight Muse

moonlightmuse-18_border2As The Moonlight Muse, it’s my intention to help highly-creative and spiritually-minded women connect the dots of their life story in a way that makes sense and in a way that feels right.  It’s through this intention that I’m able to help them “Connect with their Creative Purpose. Step into their Life Story. Create their Legacy.”

I’m a lover of story. I genuinely love hearing women tell their life stories. Through their words, through their laughter, through their tears – I hear threads of meaning, threads of purpose. And I have a divine gift for weaving these threads together in a way that unveils a richer life meaning, bringing about deep clarity and synchronistic moments.


Life Organizing: Managing Your Time for Self and Others

Life OrganizerIn my work as a Possibility Artist and Life Alchemy Coach, I work with highly-creative and spiritually-minded women who desire a life filled with authenticity, passion, meaningful connection, and creative self expression. When all of these dots are connected, they’re capable of creating massive ripples of positive influence in the world that can show up in the most interesting of ways.

But what happens when a woman over-extends herself in the giving to others? Is the ripple as effective as it would be if she was prioritizing her own needs in the way she prioritizes the needs of others? Is it possible to over-provide?

I’ve asked author and self-care expert, Jennifer Loudon to join me on my blog today to share her thoughts about over-providing.


Becoming Your Own Valentine

Valentine's TreeMost of the messages coming our way this time of year are to “be someone else’s valentine.” But what if we took this opportunity to be our own valentine?

Valentine’s Day is a perfect opportunity to connect with the one who can truly bring love into your life – YOU!

Your well-being – emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually – depends on you.

Since Valentine’s Day falls on a full moon this year, it marks an ideal time for honoring the Inner Goddess within you, celebrating your own wisdom and light. Imagine being able to make a heart-to-heart connection with yourself, one that’s filled with love and gratitude – and giving yourself permission to step into the highest version of YOU.


Celebrating the Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

  • Would you like space to call your own this holiday season?
  • Would you like a place where you can celebrate your creativity and your intuition – and all your many gifts and contributions?
  • Would you like some support in identifying what you’d like to let go of – and what you’d like to keep – as you put closure on 2013?
  • Would you like a sacred space that could support you as you move into the New Year with grace and ease?
  • Would you like to dance with the energies of the Winter Solstice and apply the gifts of the winter season to your 2014 vision?


Connecting with Our Inner Light

New Moon ConstellationLike the moon, we all go through phases in our lives. We have ups and downs, we go forward and backward – and sometimes we seem to circle back around. We may hide behind the clouds or peek from beneath the clouds. But in the midst of what can feel like a blackout, when we are open to making a connection with our authentic self, we can get to a point where we’re able to beam with full light.

During a new moon phase, the sky is completely black, with the exception of little sparkles of light in the form of stars. It’s the point in every month when the moon takes a retreat and begins to grow again, redoubling her light and reflecting new creative energy on all worldly things.
