Are You Living a Van Gogh Story?

There’s a quote by the legendary Wayne Dyer that brings to light the power of now – and the significance that courage plays into fully realizing one’s potential.

“Don’t die with your music still inside you.”

As a self-empowerment coach for highly-creative and spiritually-minded women who are here to express their life’s purpose through artistic endeavors, I’m fully aware of how much courage it takes to stand in front of an audience and share your unique gifts.

Many adults struggle with courage and end up “holding back” – for an entire lifetime – gifts and talents that could so easily be appreciated by others. (more…)

Are You a Changemaker or a Trailblazer?

As I watch various events unfolding in our world and witness new discoveries being made across the globe, I’ve been pondering the meaning of thought leadership – and how one’s uniqueness impacts the collective on a larger scale.
Whether we’re writing a book, building a business, chairing a board, managing a political campaign, or opening an art gallery – our thoughts, ideas, and beliefs naturally reveal themselves when we’re doing our best work.
As a highly-creative person with fresh ideas and new ways of seeing people, places, and things – have you ever thought about the ripple effect you create through your personal and professional work?
Have you pondered the bigger message – and how it touches people in large and small ways?
Have you wondered about the impact it has, when it travels from one person to the next – and how far it might go?
Have you ever considered yourself a changemaker or a trailblazer?


What’s the Universal Gift in Your Life Story?

One of the most powerful films I’ve ever seen is Freedom Writers. It continues to be one of my favorites.
It shows the power of journal writing – and telling one’s story through a voice that is unique to the storyteller. And through the pages of sharing this story, a larger sense of purpose begins to unveil.
For a taste of what the film is about, visit this link and watch the movie trailer: Freedom Writers
So much could change in our lives, and in our world, if we just stepped into the power of our life story – learning its lessons, receiving its gifts, and bettering ourselves in the process – then finding our own diamond in the rough, giving it a good polish, and sharing it with others.
We all have a jewel of wisdom that’s meant to be shared with others – in a way that only we can share.
What’s the universal gift in your life story


My Manifesto as The Moonlight Muse

moonlightmuse-18_border2As The Moonlight Muse, it’s my intention to help highly-creative and spiritually-minded women connect the dots of their life story in a way that makes sense and in a way that feels right.  It’s through this intention that I’m able to help them “Connect with their Creative Purpose. Step into their Life Story. Create their Legacy.”

I’m a lover of story. I genuinely love hearing women tell their life stories. Through their words, through their laughter, through their tears – I hear threads of meaning, threads of purpose. And I have a divine gift for weaving these threads together in a way that unveils a richer life meaning, bringing about deep clarity and synchronistic moments.


The Power of YOUR Life Story

Moonlight JournalingOne of the most powerful films I’ve ever seen is Freedom Writers. It continues to be one of my favorites.

It shows the power of journal writing – and telling one’s story through a voice that is unique to the storyteller. And through the pages of sharing this story, a larger sense of purpose begins to unveil.

For a taste of what the film is about, visit this link and watch the trailer: Freedom Writers

So much could change in our lives and in our world, if we just stepped into the power of our life story – learning its lessons and bettering ourselves in the process.


Finding Fulfillment in the Spiritual Age

Finding Fulfillment in the Spiritual Age - A collection of 33 stories about purpose, passion, and spiritual fulfillment.

Finding Fulfillment in the Spiritual Age – A collection of 33 stories about purpose, passion, and spiritual fulfillment.

Delighted to be speaking about my contribution in the recently published anthology, Finding Fulfillment in the Spiritual Age.

In this book, I share how my own understanding of life purpose deepened when my mother suddenly passed away in February 2012.

We all have a “life purpose legacy” that we’re living each and every day. But are we aware of it?

Join me as I’m interviewed by the working writer’s coach, Suzanne Lieurance – and take a moment to contemplate your own life purpose legacy.