Someday – is Today

Someday — when the kids are grown, when work lightens up, when I win the lottery — I am going to start that business, become a yoga teacher, write that book, develop that app, paint that picture, finish my degree, pick up that musical instrument.

There’s a Japanese proverb: “The day you decide to do it is your lucky day.”

But how do we make the decision to actually start and complete creative things?

This is the question that author and nationally acclaimed storyteller Matthew Dicks explores in his new book, Someday Is Today: 22 Simple, Actionable Ways to Propel Your Creative Life – published by New World Library.

I’ve invited Matthew to join me on my blog today to talk about the concept of “someday” – and how creative people can embrace someday as today.


Are You Ready for a Creative New Beginning?

We’re moving into a new moon phase tomorrow – which might stir a strong desire for creative change or a new creative direction. It may even bring an awareness that NOW is the time to seed what might be necessary for a personal or professional transformation.

This particular new moon highlights the Leo qualities of self-expression, creativity, courage, confidence, and authentic visibility – while shining a light on certain life themes involving creative projects, fun and pleasure, children, and the inner child.

As we settle into the last full month of summer, you may feel a slight nudging toward something you might want to start in the fall – something that has a more joyful and playful energy to it.

It’s a good time now, in the playful season of summer, to begin to put the intention out there – to say to the universe, “Yes, I am ready for this change and I am open to approaching it from a more creative and playful direction!


It’s Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been

Over the past year, as we’ve navigated through the pandemic, I’ve had many discussions with clients, colleagues, and friends who are at a major crossroad in their life, both personally and professionally, which is resulting in an intense period of reflection. They’re feeling stuck, confused, unmotivated, and unable to connect with what might be ahead of them on their life’s journey.

There’s a feeling of being “a late arrival” to their own life – to a degree that causes them to wonder if they’ve missed an opportunity.

Many are pondering an array of questions, such as:

  • How did I get here – in this place of darkness, confusion, and wonder?
  • I see nothing ahead of me, so is this it?
  • What does this stuckness mean – and how do I sort through it?
  • How do I make sense of my life and the journey I’ve traveled?
  • What do I do with all the lessons I’ve learned and the gifts I’ve received – and what do I let go of?
  • Where do I go from here?

For all of these individuals, the most interesting thing about this crossroad is what has brought them to it. In some way, shape, or form – they’re all facing a major life transition. And it has come to them at a time that many would call “middle age.”


Using Vulnerability as a Measure of Courage

Being an artist, musician, poet, performer, writer, creator – they all involve taking creative risks. We’re often putting ourselves out there for the world to see – through our words, our art, our music, our creative endeavors.
Some will love our work while others may not. But that’s okay. We’re not here to please everyone. We’re here to serve our creative purpose in the best way we can – through the divine gifts we’ve been given.
And in serving our purpose, we’re often relying on the strength of our vulnerability.
As popular author, storyteller, and researcher Brene Brown says, “Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage.”
It takes a LOT of courage to be vulnerable.


Giving Courage to Your Creative Voice

Imagine picking up the cosmic phone and scheduling an appointment with your creative voice to discuss the next steps that will bring a dream to fruition.
During a new moon phase, the lines are clear – so feel free to ask for what it is you need and desire.
The new moon gives us the courage to step into our true voice with a fresh set of eyes and a desire for new beginnings. It gives us the ability to believe in the power of our own authenticity.
Take a moment to think about your “life story.”
How has it played out – up to this point?
  • Where you encouraged to take risks?
  • Or were you told to “play it safe” – always making comfortable, practical choices?
  • Was your voice heard and received with love and respect – making you feel like your opinions, your thoughts, and your emotions really mattered?
  • Or were you silenced – making you feel like you weren’t worthy of having an opinion, a thought, or an emotion?
​​​​As Oprah Winfrey once noted, “I was once afraid of people saying, ‘Who does she think she is?’ Now I have the courage to stand and say, ‘This is who I am.’”
