Happy New Moon Valentine’s Day!

Happy New Moon Valentine’s Day!
The timing couldn’t be more perfect, spending it than on the back end of a new moon phase.
new moon always brings a time of new beginnings. It’s a period when the sky is completely black, with the exception of little sparkles of light in the form of stars.
It’s the point in every month when the moon takes a retreat and begins to grow again, redoubling her light and reflecting new creative energy on all worldly things. It marks an ideal time for connecting with our inner selves and our heart’s desire. By looking for the “light” and knowing that it’s there, somewhere, waiting to be discovered – we can reach a place where our personal reflection begins to shed its own light.
What wants to emerge from within you? What wants to be created outside of you?
It sounds like a perfect message for Valentine’s Day, don’t you think?


The Art of Creative Surrender

Imagine a white canvas in front of you – and a vision in your mind of blues and greens and purples – so you begin to paint, carefully placing your brush on the canvas as you blend the colors – and suddenly, you knock a jar of brown paint onto your palette. What then?

Do you clean it up? Do you start again?

Or do you wonder what the synchronicity of the spillage might be telling you?

What wants to be noticed? What wants to be included?


Giving Courage to Your Creative Voice

Imagine picking up the cosmic phone and scheduling an appointment with your creative voice to discuss the next steps that will bring a dream to fruition.
During a new moon phase, the lines are clear – so feel free to ask for what it is you need and desire.
The new moon gives us the courage to step into our true voice with a fresh set of eyes and a desire for new beginnings. It gives us the ability to believe in the power of our own authenticity.
Take a moment to think about your “life story.”
How has it played out – up to this point?
  • Where you encouraged to take risks?
  • Or were you told to “play it safe” – always making comfortable, practical choices?
  • Was your voice heard and received with love and respect – making you feel like your opinions, your thoughts, and your emotions really mattered?
  • Or were you silenced – making you feel like you weren’t worthy of having an opinion, a thought, or an emotion?
​​​​As Oprah Winfrey once noted, “I was once afraid of people saying, ‘Who does she think she is?’ Now I have the courage to stand and say, ‘This is who I am.’”


Writing with the Angels

As a Life Purpose Intuitive, I attract highly-spiritual people who are looking for more meaning in their lives, both personally and professionally. They want to feel more connected by being fully present in each and every moment, receiving the divine messages that are intended to guide them on the next phase of their life’s journey.

I call these divine messages synchronicities – and they can show up anytime, anywhere, and from anyone. They can even come from the angelic realm.


What’s Your Purple Possibility?

What's Your Purple Possibility?

What’s Your Purple Possibility?

Have you ever felt like throwing the entire game board of LIFE up in the air – and seeing where the pieces land? Are you curious about what you might find underneath all the rubble? And are you eager to know how all the pieces fit together – in a way that honors who you are as an authentic human being?

This has inspired my newest programs, the Purple Possibility Studio and the Purple Possibility Diamond – designed to inspire the divine possibilities on your life purpose journey. Through creative exploration and an open mind, you’ll be gently guided into a more heightened awareness of what’s already present as you shift your focus toward connecting the dots of life’s synchronicities.

It’s a unique and spiritually-rich approach to exploring life’s possibilities by following the path of synchronicity. It’s designed to take you out of your head – and into the depth of what is possible for you when you step out of your comfort zone and claim your purple diamond of authenticity.

  • Would you like to shift from a mindset of “impossible” to “possible?”
  • Would you like to create the space to manifest the “purple possibilities” in your life?
  • What opportunities are already present – that you may be overlooking?

The name Purple Possibility came to me when I started thinking about the  possibilities that lie in “grey” when we step out of a black and  white mindset. And then I began to think, what if – we “colorized”  the black and white and made it red and blue? What possibilities would be  available to us if we chose to look through a purple lens?

What would we see? And how could this alter the path we’re  currently on?

By connecting the dots of synchronicity and following the “thread of purpose” – where would we land? And what doors would open from there?

Are you curious about your Purple Possibility?

Join me on this complimentary call with one of my favorite colleagues, Retreat Muse Karen McMillian as I define what I mean by “purple possibility” – and give you some ways that you can connect with yours.

This is my gift to you as valued subscriber!

So what’s your Purple Possibility?

Join me and I’ll help guide you into the land of purple possibilities!
