The Ripple Effect of Gratitude

As we prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday here in the United States – and move toward another full moon phase, I can’t help but think of the impact that gratitude has when we embrace it wholeheartedly.
Can you imagine a world where everyone showed gratitude?
If someone did something kind for you, you’d probably give them a warm smile and say thank you. And if you were having a bad day, someone else might take time out of his or her life to comfort you, making you feel better.
It’s these acts of kindness that prompt people to show their gratitude by doing something similar for someone else.
Like a skipping stone in a pond, acts of gratitude have the potential to create a ripple effect.


Tapping into Blue Moon Energy

Did you know that tomorrow brings a blue moon? It’s the second full moon in the month of October – and when that occurs, once every couple of years or so, it’s classified as a blue moon.
Blue moons are really special. It’s why people say “once in a blue moon.” It’s a phrase that’s used to describe the rarity of an event – or to refer to something that is considered “unusual” or “unique.”
One of the gifts that the blue moon gives us is an overwhelming desire to come alive. Whether that’s bringing a passion front and center or finally making the decision to take a giant leap forward in a new direction that is fully aligned with our creative purpose.
Imagine driving through a fast food window and placing an order – only this time the menu lists the one thing that you’ve been contemplating for quite some time.
Perhaps it’s that life-changing book you’ve been working on for eons, but keep finding yourself facing one creative block after another. Or maybe it’s that passion-filled business that you’ve been wanting to start, but you haven’t yet gotten the courage to just go for it. Or it could be the nonprofit organization you’ve been pondering, the one that’s destined to change the world.
Whatever it is – it’s on the menu right now. And the clerk (who happens to be representing the positive energies of the universe) says, “What can I get for you today?”
This is your moment! Will you order it? Will you tell the universe, “Yes, this is the right time for me. I’ll take it.”
And then the clerk says, “Would you like to super-size that?”
What would it take for you to say, “Heck yeah!”?


What Masks Are You Wearing?

As we approach one of my favorite times of the year, Halloween – I’m reminded of all the costumes and masks people wear to celebrate this festive occasion.

It triggered my thinking about the many masks we have all worn in our lives – and may still be wearing.

How many of these masks serve as an authentic extension of who we are? And how many of these masks are a cover-up for drowning out our own inner voices?

Have you ever stopped to think about the many labels that you wear in life – maybe you’re a spouse, a parent, a grandparent, a teacher, a loyal employee, a neighbor – and the different masks that are required to show up in these roles?

For some of us, these labels are true extensions of who we are – therefore, there are no masks required. We just show up authentically and shine our inner light in a different direction.

But for many of us, these labels serve as expressions of obligations or beliefs that were imposed on us, by self or others.

On an evening walk two weeks ago, I couldn’t help but take in the beauty of our lunar goddess as she began to make her way out of her new moon darkness and into her first sliver of light. It was a glorious sight!

It was just enough light to see the definition of the moon in the night sky, bringing her out of complete darkness – but not quite enough light for the waxing crescent phase.

It reminded me of those many times in my life, when I would peek my head out of that place of “not knowing” into the light of possibility – with a vulnerability and a curiosity about what life might be like if I stepped out without my masks?


Using Vulnerability as a Measure of Courage

Being an artist, musician, poet, performer, writer, creator – they all involve taking creative risks. We’re often putting ourselves out there for the world to see – through our words, our art, our music, our creative endeavors.
Some will love our work while others may not. But that’s okay. We’re not here to please everyone. We’re here to serve our creative purpose in the best way we can – through the divine gifts we’ve been given.
And in serving our purpose, we’re often relying on the strength of our vulnerability.
As popular author, storyteller, and researcher Brene Brown says, “Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage.”
It takes a LOT of courage to be vulnerable.


How Resourceful Are You?

We’re entering a full moon phase in the practical and resourceful sign of Capricorn. It’s a great time to review what you already have in place, both personally and professionally – and begin to look for creative ways to rework, reframe, or reshape what might be feeling old and stagnant.
Many times, all we need is a refresh – and not an overhaul.
As author and motivational speaker Tony Robbins says, “The defining factor for success is never resources – it’s resourcefulness.”
How creative are you with the resources you already have?


Full Moon Dreaming

For many centuries, the moon has inspired thousands of beautiful stories, songs, dances, paintings, and poems. Through her many phases, she has served as a muse in a variety of ways.
What is it about the moon that stirs our innermost thoughts and inspires our deepest creativity?
What is it about her that unleashes the magic of our dreams?
The full moon brings a time of high energy and great sensitivity. It’s also a period of extraordinary creativity. Dreams (both day and night) are at their height during this phase – with the potential to activate possibilities that you never thought were possible.
As you take in the radiant light of tonight’s full moon, notice what comes to mind.
