The Ripple Effect of Gratitude

As we prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday here in the United States – and move toward another full moon phase, I can’t help but think of the impact that gratitude has when we embrace it wholeheartedly.
Can you imagine a world where everyone showed gratitude?
If someone did something kind for you, you’d probably give them a warm smile and say thank you. And if you were having a bad day, someone else might take time out of his or her life to comfort you, making you feel better.
It’s these acts of kindness that prompt people to show their gratitude by doing something similar for someone else.
Like a skipping stone in a pond, acts of gratitude have the potential to create a ripple effect.


Are You a Changemaker or a Trailblazer?

As I watch various events unfolding in our world and witness new discoveries being made across the globe, I’ve been pondering the meaning of thought leadership – and how one’s uniqueness impacts the collective on a larger scale.
Whether we’re writing a book, building a business, chairing a board, managing a political campaign, or opening an art gallery – our thoughts, ideas, and beliefs naturally reveal themselves when we’re doing our best work.
As a highly-creative person with fresh ideas and new ways of seeing people, places, and things – have you ever thought about the ripple effect you create through your personal and professional work?
Have you pondered the bigger message – and how it touches people in large and small ways?
Have you wondered about the impact it has, when it travels from one person to the next – and how far it might go?
Have you ever considered yourself a changemaker or a trailblazer?
