Awakening Your Creative Genius in the Snow Moon Light

Just over the horizon, the snow moon rises – bringing light to the heart of the winter season.
It offers a rich opportunity to awaken the “creative genius within” – stirring insights and ideas that can be developed into passion projects that inspire a larger creative calling.
As Italian poet and playwright Pietro Aretino once proclaimed, “Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius.”
What creative insights are waiting for you in the heart of the winter season? What ideas want to be explored in the light of the snow moon?


Wrapping up the Year with Full Moon Dreaming

Here we are – the last full moon of 2020. 🌝
What gift does our lunar goddess have for us as we bring closure to a year full of surprises and disappointments, unexpected twists and mysterious turns, revelations that we didn’t see coming?
For many centuries, the moon has inspired thousands of beautiful stories, songs, dances, paintings, and poems. Through her many phases, she has served as a muse in a variety of ways.
What is it about the moon that stirs our innermost thoughts and inspires our deepest creativity?
What is it about her that unleashes the magic of our dreams?
The full moon brings a time of high energy and great sensitivity. It’s also a period of extraordinary creativity. Dreams (both day and night) are at their height during this phase – with the potential to activate possibilities that you never thought were possible.
