What Doors Are Closing – So New Ones Can Open?

Life is a series of endings and beginnings. Where one door closes, another one opens.
As you reflect on where you are in the present moment, what doors are closing in your life – to make space for something new? Where are you ready for a new beginning?
Today brings a powerful punch – the summer solstice, a season of light – and another new moon phase that’s rich with opportunities for fresh starts and new perspectives. It’s an ideal time to begin anew!
What needs to be released or shifted in order to invite something new into your world?
What new beginning is just over the horizon for you?


Giving Courage to Your Creative Voice

Imagine picking up the cosmic phone and scheduling an appointment with your creative voice to discuss the next steps that will bring a dream to fruition.
During a new moon phase, the lines are clear – so feel free to ask for what it is you need and desire.
The new moon gives us the courage to step into our true voice with a fresh set of eyes and a desire for new beginnings. It gives us the ability to believe in the power of our own authenticity.
Take a moment to think about your “life story.”
How has it played out – up to this point?
  • Where you encouraged to take risks?
  • Or were you told to “play it safe” – always making comfortable, practical choices?
  • Was your voice heard and received with love and respect – making you feel like your opinions, your thoughts, and your emotions really mattered?
  • Or were you silenced – making you feel like you weren’t worthy of having an opinion, a thought, or an emotion?
​​​​As Oprah Winfrey once noted, “I was once afraid of people saying, ‘Who does she think she is?’ Now I have the courage to stand and say, ‘This is who I am.’”


Turning Brokenness into Beauty

Many of us are familiar with the saying, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

And in several cultures, beauty is celebrated in unique ways, depending on how it’s viewed.

In Japan, for example, broken objects are often repaired with gold. The flaw is seen as a unique piece of the object’s history – which adds to its beauty.

Thinking about yourself and your own life, what do you consider “broken?”

And how might another see this “flaw” as beauty?
