It’s Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been

Over the past year, as we’ve navigated through the pandemic, I’ve had many discussions with clients, colleagues, and friends who are at a major crossroad in their life, both personally and professionally, which is resulting in an intense period of reflection. They’re feeling stuck, confused, unmotivated, and unable to connect with what might be ahead of them on their life’s journey.

There’s a feeling of being “a late arrival” to their own life – to a degree that causes them to wonder if they’ve missed an opportunity.

Many are pondering an array of questions, such as:

  • How did I get here – in this place of darkness, confusion, and wonder?
  • I see nothing ahead of me, so is this it?
  • What does this stuckness mean – and how do I sort through it?
  • How do I make sense of my life and the journey I’ve traveled?
  • What do I do with all the lessons I’ve learned and the gifts I’ve received – and what do I let go of?
  • Where do I go from here?

For all of these individuals, the most interesting thing about this crossroad is what has brought them to it. In some way, shape, or form – they’re all facing a major life transition. And it has come to them at a time that many would call “middle age.”


Seeing Darkness in a Whole New Light

As we approach another new moon phase, which marks the beginning of a lunar cycle, I’m reminded of how the moon serves as a metaphor for transition, starting in darkness and uncertainty – and moving into light and possibility.

Whether we’re on a journey of self-discovery or contemplating a new project or creative direction, the moon offers us wisdom that can light our way, providing insights that spark new ideas, questions and thoughts.

The new moon phase is a perfect time to embrace a new beginning, even if it feels uncertain. (more…)

How Can You Illuminate the World?

As we settle into the first full moon phase of the spring season, here’s a great quote to ponder – “You have to find what sparks a light in you, so that you – in your own way – can illuminate the world.”

In this time of uncertainty and unsettledness, it’s the quieter moments that are needed to reflect within ourselves a light that may be going unnoticed.

Take a moment to close your eyes, breathing fully and deeply, several times in and out. Then invite yourself into these questions. (more…)