It’s Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been

Over the past year, as we’ve navigated through the pandemic, I’ve had many discussions with clients, colleagues, and friends who are at a major crossroad in their life, both personally and professionally, which is resulting in an intense period of reflection. They’re feeling stuck, confused, unmotivated, and unable to connect with what might be ahead of them on their life’s journey.

There’s a feeling of being “a late arrival” to their own life – to a degree that causes them to wonder if they’ve missed an opportunity.

Many are pondering an array of questions, such as:

  • How did I get here – in this place of darkness, confusion, and wonder?
  • I see nothing ahead of me, so is this it?
  • What does this stuckness mean – and how do I sort through it?
  • How do I make sense of my life and the journey I’ve traveled?
  • What do I do with all the lessons I’ve learned and the gifts I’ve received – and what do I let go of?
  • Where do I go from here?

For all of these individuals, the most interesting thing about this crossroad is what has brought them to it. In some way, shape, or form – they’re all facing a major life transition. And it has come to them at a time that many would call “middle age.”


Seeing Darkness in a Whole New Light

As we approach another new moon phase, which marks the beginning of a lunar cycle, I’m reminded of how the moon serves as a metaphor for transition, starting in darkness and uncertainty – and moving into light and possibility.

Whether we’re on a journey of self-discovery or contemplating a new project or creative direction, the moon offers us wisdom that can light our way, providing insights that spark new ideas, questions and thoughts.

The new moon phase is a perfect time to embrace a new beginning, even if it feels uncertain. (more…)

Wrapping up the Year with Full Moon Dreaming

Here we are – the last full moon of 2020. 🌝
What gift does our lunar goddess have for us as we bring closure to a year full of surprises and disappointments, unexpected twists and mysterious turns, revelations that we didn’t see coming?
For many centuries, the moon has inspired thousands of beautiful stories, songs, dances, paintings, and poems. Through her many phases, she has served as a muse in a variety of ways.
What is it about the moon that stirs our innermost thoughts and inspires our deepest creativity?
What is it about her that unleashes the magic of our dreams?
The full moon brings a time of high energy and great sensitivity. It’s also a period of extraordinary creativity. Dreams (both day and night) are at their height during this phase – with the potential to activate possibilities that you never thought were possible.


How Can Winter Inspire Your Creative Genius?

The winter season is a wonderful time to immerse yourself in the creative process!
It brings a rich opportunity to awaken the “creative genius within” by exploring the gifts that are found in darkness. It allows us to reflect on our personal and creative journeys, taking a closer look at who we are – underneath the layers of life.
By looking for the “light” – and knowing that it’s there, somewhere, waiting to be discovered – we can reach a place where our personal reflection begins to shed its own light.
It’s a time to ponder where we’ve been, how we got to where we are now – and where to go from here. It’s an opportunity to explore new ways of thinking and to prepare for a new path of travel. It also marks an ideal time for connecting with our creative voice and our true heart’s desire.
  • How will your “creative genius” be inspired by the darkness of the winter solstice?
  • What magic will be created within you – as you move through the winter season and into spring?
  • How will this magic be expressed through your creative work – and brought into springtime’s full bloom?
These are great questions to explore as we approach the winter solstice and move into the winter season – a time of rich reflection, introspection, renewal, and a thirst for all that is light.


What’s the Story You Need to Tell?

As a certified creativity and life purpose coach, and a certified journal writing facilitator, I work with highly-creative and spiritually-minded women who are facing a variety of life and business transitions that lead them on paths of new beginnings that inspire self-discovery and creative expression.

These new beginnings often involve a deeper exploration of their life stories, where miraculous healing can take place and a larger sense of purpose begins to emerge. It’s where they find their authentic voice coming to light.

So much could change in our lives, and in our world, if we just stepped into the power of our life story – learning its lessons, receiving its gifts, and bettering ourselves in the process – then finding our own diamond in the rough, giving it a good polish, and sharing it with others.

We all have a jewel of wisdom that’s meant to be shared with others – in a way that only we can share.


Tapping into Blue Moon Energy

Did you know that tomorrow brings a blue moon? It’s the second full moon in the month of October – and when that occurs, once every couple of years or so, it’s classified as a blue moon.
Blue moons are really special. It’s why people say “once in a blue moon.” It’s a phrase that’s used to describe the rarity of an event – or to refer to something that is considered “unusual” or “unique.”
One of the gifts that the blue moon gives us is an overwhelming desire to come alive. Whether that’s bringing a passion front and center or finally making the decision to take a giant leap forward in a new direction that is fully aligned with our creative purpose.
Imagine driving through a fast food window and placing an order – only this time the menu lists the one thing that you’ve been contemplating for quite some time.
Perhaps it’s that life-changing book you’ve been working on for eons, but keep finding yourself facing one creative block after another. Or maybe it’s that passion-filled business that you’ve been wanting to start, but you haven’t yet gotten the courage to just go for it. Or it could be the nonprofit organization you’ve been pondering, the one that’s destined to change the world.
Whatever it is – it’s on the menu right now. And the clerk (who happens to be representing the positive energies of the universe) says, “What can I get for you today?”
This is your moment! Will you order it? Will you tell the universe, “Yes, this is the right time for me. I’ll take it.”
And then the clerk says, “Would you like to super-size that?”
What would it take for you to say, “Heck yeah!”?
