Awakening Your Creative Genius in the Snow Moon Light

Just over the horizon, the snow moon rises – bringing light to the heart of the winter season.
It offers a rich opportunity to awaken the “creative genius within” – stirring insights and ideas that can be developed into passion projects that inspire a larger creative calling.
As Italian poet and playwright Pietro Aretino once proclaimed, “Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius.”
What creative insights are waiting for you in the heart of the winter season? What ideas want to be explored in the light of the snow moon?


How Does Spring Influence New Beginnings?

Crocus FlowersWe all come to periods in our lives when we sit down and reflect on the path we have chosen – sometimes regretting certain choices and missed opportunities.

And many of us have made drastic changes along the way, trying to make a fresh start in life. Yet no matter what we do, we always end up feeling the same way. The outer conditions may be different, but inside we’re still the same.

So when and how does a genuine fresh start begin?


The Power of YOUR Life Story

Moonlight JournalingOne of the most powerful films I’ve ever seen is Freedom Writers. It continues to be one of my favorites.

It shows the power of journal writing – and telling one’s story through a voice that is unique to the storyteller. And through the pages of sharing this story, a larger sense of purpose begins to unveil.

For a taste of what the film is about, visit this link and watch the trailer: Freedom Writers

So much could change in our lives and in our world, if we just stepped into the power of our life story – learning its lessons and bettering ourselves in the process.


Connecting with Our Inner Light

New Moon ConstellationLike the moon, we all go through phases in our lives. We have ups and downs, we go forward and backward – and sometimes we seem to circle back around. We may hide behind the clouds or peek from beneath the clouds. But in the midst of what can feel like a blackout, when we are open to making a connection with our authentic self, we can get to a point where we’re able to beam with full light.

During a new moon phase, the sky is completely black, with the exception of little sparkles of light in the form of stars. It’s the point in every month when the moon takes a retreat and begins to grow again, redoubling her light and reflecting new creative energy on all worldly things.


Life Lessons in Spiritual Surrender

Erica - Radiant SurvivorToday, I have the great pleasure of being the host on Day 7 of Erica Tucci’s Virtual Blog Tour. Erica’s book Radiant Survivor: How to Shine and Thrive through Recovery from Stroke, Cancer, Abuse, Addiction and Other Life-Altering Experiences is celebrating its big Amazon launch on November 19th, 2013 at

Erica Tucci had a full life as a corporate manager of a Fortune 500 company, a healing arts business owner and an author of three books. It all came to a screeching halt in June 2011 when she had a stroke that left her completely paralyzed on her right side. While spending more than two years in recovery, she gained much wisdom about what’s really important in life. She re-entered the world with a new mission: to use her story as an inspiration for others facing life challenges, which we all have, big or small. That story can be found in her brand new book, Radiant Survivor. Erica is also an official Online Ambassador for the American Stroke Association.


Finding Your Tribe

Kathleen Adams writes in Scribing the Soul, “Humans are tribal people.”

Yes, we are. It explains the human need “to belong.” And in periods of pain and darkness, it is imperative to make that connection with “one’s tribe.”

No one understands a feeling or a situation any more than someone else who has been through it – or who may still be going though it. This is what “finding your tribe” means to me.

If you’ve ever felt disconnected – and “on the outside looking in” – I highly recommend David Whyte’s collection of poetry, “The House of Belonging.” He approaches this deep-rooted human desire in the most eloquent of ways.

David Whyte – House of Belonging

As you continue on your journey of life, think about who you can share your joys with, cry your tears with, and who (or what) will give you the space “to be you” without any form of judgment. There is no need for perfection in a circle of support. This is a place where you can be your most vulnerable and still feel loved and appreciated for who you are.

As you ponder your own tribe, consider these words from American writer, Starhawk. ~ “Somewhere, there are people to whom we can speak with passion without having the words catch in our throats. Somewhere a circle of hands will open to receive us, eyes will light up as we enter, voices will celebrate with us whenever we come into our own power.”

Somewhere, there is a tribe waiting to welcome you with open arms and an open heart.

You belong. We all belong. This beautiful planet isn’t just for a chosen group of us. It’s for ALL of us!

We all have a place in this world. Don’t let anyone tell you any differently!

If you feel called to join our Journaling Moms tribe, you can find us on Facebook via the link to the right – under the “Connect with Tina” section.

Or for a richer, more spiritual experience, consider joining our Full Moon Empowerment coaching circle. More information is available via the Moonlight Coaching tab above. If you have additional questions about the circle, please don’t hestitate to reach me by e-mail. You’ll find a direct link at the bottom of this page on the right.

I’m always ready to welcome you!